Friday, December 29, 2017

The Next Book

As promised, here’s a post regarding the next book on our “to read” list!

But first, a little back story!

 I’ve always enjoyed the Star Wars franchise. My parents introduced me to the original trilogy at some point in my young life. I even remember seeing a re-release of A New Hope in theaters. Then of course there were the prequels and the two most recent films. I even played a few of the various Star Wars video games with my brothers. I was no stranger to that galaxy far, far away.

Then I got married to a fellow nerd, one who was even more involved in Lucas’ creation. He introduced me to the animated series The Clone Wars as well as Star Wars Rebels (I can’t wait for new episodes!). After some animated Star Wars marathons, I quickly decided that Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker’s padawan, was definitely one of my favorite characters. (I also quickly decided that animated Anakin is much more likeable than movie Anakin… He’s less of a creeper.)

The last season of The Clone Wars was cut short. Don’t you love it when a show you’re invested in doesn’t get to wrap things up in a nice, neat little package? Because of this situation, Ahsoka’s storyline has an abrupt ending, making you stare at the screen with a dropped jaw thinking, “That can’t be it!” Spoiler alert, you get to see Ahsoka again in Rebels, thank goodness. The only bad part about that is that you’re still left with a, “What the heck just happened?!” moment. I’m hoping we’ll get a little more clarity on that.

Getting back to the point, Ahsoka’s story may have been interrupted, but to fix that little problem, Star Wars book even though I knew there were plenty of them and had seen my older brother read some (I believe most of those are no longer considered canon). But after coming to love Ahsoka, I needed to fill that void. My ever perceptive husband gave me the book for Christmas.
they gave her a book! I didn’t really think I would ever read a

I’m already just past halfway through it.

So join me in reading Star Wars: Ahsoka by E. K. Johnston.

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