
Welcome to The Book Club of Destiny! I hope you'll enjoy your stay.

My name is Danielle. I am a lover of books and have a degree in creative writing. My favorite sorts of books tend to be in the young adult or children's genre, but I don't strictly limit myself to those categories. Stories with a touch of fantasy or a fairy tale type feel are generally the types of books I like best.

I wanted an outlet to talk about books, and I've been talking with friends for awhile about the need for a book club. Since life events have made it impossible to have a physical book club where we can all meet together in one place, I decided to go the electronic route. Thanks to the internet, I've found a place where I can talk about books, and I hope to hear from all of you too!

Please feel free to give me suggestions for books to read! I'd love to hear your recommendations.

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