Friday, December 22, 2017

The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus

Before I jump into my review of L. Frank Baum's book, I just wanted to say thanks for the response to last week's post! I got some feedback on the blog and on Facebook, and mostly I'm really pleased that multiple people agreed with me on Stardust. You guys had some good ones too! I'll admit, I didn't even know one of them was a book (but now that you've said the movie is way better perhaps I won't bother with the book...)! Here are some of the titles that you guys said had a better movie rendition:

The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
The Prestige by Christopher Priest
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

I can concur that those are all good movies. I've only read one of those books and few pages of a couple of the other ones. The Prestige is the one I didn't know was based off of a book. So, feel free to take a read and watch the movies and let us know what one you think is better. Also, if there are any other movies you think were better than their book counterparts, please share! I feel like there may need to be a "Times the Movie was Better than the Book Part 2" post! I've already thought of another movie I enjoyed much more than the book.

But, for now, let's put that on the shelf and talk about this great story about good ol' Santa Claus (which, as you may recall, was also turned into an animated holiday special).

Title: The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus
Rating: 4/5
Author: L. Frank Baum
Pages: 166
Genre: Children's Fiction/Fantasy


Do you really need a synopsis? The title seems pretty self explanatory. Basically, this is a story of how Santa Claus became Santa Claus. There are other such stories, but I don't know if any others having Santa being adopted by a wood nymph when he was a baby. Perhaps I ought to just skip to my reaction.

My Reaction:

I actually found this to be quite an enjoyable story. I've never had the chance to read Baum's books about Oz, but after reading this story, I imagine they must be an enjoyable read also. I liked his style of writing for one thing.

As mentioned above, this story does include creatures like wood nymphs and fairies, and other immortal beings, but it also includes creatures of Baum's own design. So there are definitely elements to this version of the Santa Claus story that are quite different and a bit in the realm of fantasy. If you're thinking, "Blech! I can't stand fantasy books!" you should still give it a go if you're interested. It's not what I would call heavy fantasy but works well as children's fantasy.

The thing I liked most about this book is the love that Santa Claus has for the children of the world. He is filled with so much joy and happiness because he spends so much time thinking of the welfare of others. The way that Baum presents it, it warmed my heart and made me want to do something nice for someone else.

"In all this world there is nothing so beautiful as a happy child," says good old Santa Claus; and if he had his way the children would all be beautiful, for all would be happy.

Doesn't that just kind of make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

There are also elements of good triumphing over evil and this idea of the power of happily doing good for others. Santa Claus is described as conquering the hearts of all "through very goodness." There were just parts of this story that rang true to me, and then there were just the fun, imaginative portions of it that made it such a good story for readers of all ages (Amazon says this book is for ages 2-99).

This was a winner in my book, so if you need another book for the Christmas season, you may consider adding this one to your collection.

Reader Guidance:

Nothing to fear as far as I'm concerned.

Similar Books:

You know, I haven't read many holiday related books, so I can't really think of something. The only well know Christmastime book I've read is A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Go read that one. It's small :)

Next Book:

I daresay this has been the last book review of 2017. At this point, I haven't picked the next book. Feel free to give me any suggestions! I'll be sure to write a quick post next week to let you know what the next book will be! If I can get my hands on another Liesl Shurtliff book, it may just be one of those!

Until next time, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

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