Thanks everyone for reading and commenting! You offered a handful of books that you wouldn't recommend, and I'll admit, I haven't read a single one of those! I also got a couple of book recommendations out of the deal, so it was a win-win situation for me. In case you are curious, here are the books that your fellow blog readers said they wouldn't recommend:
1. The School for Good and Evil - This specifically went for book one as they didn't keep reading. A choppy and predictable story line as well as an immature main character without enough growth made this book not very enjoyable.
2. Eat Pray Love - Apparently this one is hard to get into. I know that it was pretty popular at one time, but I've actually heard a few people say they didn't like it. Having only seen the movie myself, I can't make my own personal judgement on the book.
3. Across Five Aprils - There were conflicting comments on this book actually. So, possibly, this one is worth a read. It may just depend on whether or not it's your cup of tea.
4. Banner in the Sky - This book sounds quite adventurous and exciting (I just read the book description on Amazon), but apparently it's a bit of a let down and is actually quite boring.
5. Ready Player One - I've been curious about this one with the upcoming movie and all. It looked interesting and sometimes I like a good pop culture reference, but apparently the premise is really the only good thing about it. But hey, it's a bestseller, so someone obviously likes it...
So there you have it. Add those to your don't read list or possibly to your I'm going to read this anyway and see if I agree list. Seriously, the only reason why I read the The Golden Compass was because of all the negative hype surrounding the movie. It peaked my curiosity. So, the second book list is totally legitimate. And come to think of it, I went on to read the second book in that series, didn't care for it, and never read the third. I suppose that's another series that didn't tickle my fancy.
Okay, on to business!
Sequel to: A Wrinkle in Time
Rating: 3/5
Author: Madeleine L'Engle
Pages: 211
Genre: Young Adult/Science Fiction
Something is seriously wrong with Charles Wallace. Up until this point, Meg has attributed it to the bullying he's received since he started going to school. But when he tells her one day that there are dragons in the twins' vegetable garden, she's forced to realize that Charles Wallace's condition is much worse than that.
Once again, Meg is called upon to fight and incredibly evil force. With the help of Calvin and some new friends along the way, they must pass three trials in order save Charles Wallace's life as well as their own!
I'm not as in love with this book as I was with the first one. I just didn't connect with it as much, I suppose. It's not a bad story, and it certainly isn't poorly written. It just didn't pull me in as much and therefore landed in the middle of the rating scale.
It still has some religious themed mixed in with the science, although it's not quite so straightforward in this one. If you're a religiously minded person, you can pull out parallels and similarities to things like the devil and temptation, but it doesn't come straight out and mention things like the Bible, etc. There are also some good themes about the power of knowing who you are and how love makes you the best version of yourself, the true you. So there are definitely some great themes and thinking moments. In the end, I just preferred A Wrinkle in Time. The book is still worth a read.
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Next Book:
Time for the third book in the Time Quintet! We'll be reading A Swiftly Tilting Planet, which I can't remember a single thing about! There's a unicorn on the cover, so I guessing there will be unicorns. Who doesn't love that!
See you next time!
I felt the same way you did about the second book. Interested to know your feelings about the third one when you finish it.