Friday, June 23, 2017


Hello! Welcome to The Book Club of Destiny! My name is Danielle, and I'll be your host. Do feel free to pull up a chair and to munch on any of the fine delicacies that have been prepared for this fine meeting.

As this is our first meeting, it seems that introductions are in order. As mentioned above, I am Danielle. I studied creative writing in a small, windy, deathly cold (slight exaggeration perhaps) town in Idaho. I've always had a fondness for reading and writing. There's been a lot of big changes in my life recently--I married the love of my life, and as a result of that I packed up the majority of my things and moved to a new state.

Yes, that is a sonic screwdriver on my bouquet.
Sadly, many of my precious books were left behind (not forever. They're just in a state of limbo until I can go get them.). Thank goodness for libraries, kindles, and Goodwill (which is honestly my favorite place to pick up books).

My favorite books tend to be of the young adult and children's variety, although I don't limit myself to those genres exclusively. Basically, don't be surprised if you see a lot of those sorts of books come up on the blog. Think of books by A.A. Milne, Kate DiCamillo, J.K. Rowling, and Gail Carson Levine and you should have somewhat of an idea of the books I tend to enjoy most.

The idea for this blog came after repeated mentions from friends that we need to start a book club (preferably one that also involved baked goods). I'm no longer near many of my book loving friends, but thanks to the internet we can still connect and talk about books (also baked goods!).

Thus, The Book Club of Destiny was born. I could have just called it "Danielle's Book Club," but let's face it, that doesn't sound nearly as exciting. Books are an adventure between two covers! Am I right? So, to both friends old and new, welcome to the club. Please give recommendations of books to read and leave comments. Be a part of the conversation!

For starters, I'd like to revisit a book I haven't read in awhile, "The Two Princesses of Bamarre" by Gail Carson Levine. Please feel free to read along and let me know what you think.

Until next time!


  1. So glad you started this blog Danielle; I love reading myself and can't wait for your new posts and book suggestions!!

  2. That is a really good book. I read it for the first time in third grade, and I have read it 1 billion times since then.

  3. That is a really good book. I have read it 1 million times since third grade. Have you heard of Shannon Hale? She is another one of my favorite Authors.

    1. I have heard of Shannon Hale and have read a couple of her books--"Princess Academy" and "Book of a Thousand Days." I've been meaning to read "Goose Girl" for awhile, but I haven't gotten around to it. Perhaps I'll have to spotlight it on the blog soon :)
