Friday, November 10, 2017


Rating: 3/5
Author: Lissa Price
Pages: 272
Sequel to: Starters
Genre: Young Adult/Science Fiction/Dystopian


This is the second and last book of the Starters series. Not much time has passed since the ending of the previous book, and Callie is still hearing the voice of the Old Man in her head, but things are getting worse than Callie could have ever imagined—even with the destruction of Prime Destinations, the Old Man seeks to take control of everyone with chips in their head and sell them to the highest bidder as a weapon.

With a new found friend, Hyden, that Callie can’t be sure is trustworthy, Callie endeavors to stop the Old Man once and for all before he takes over her body and never gives it back!

My Reaction:

I must say, I liked this book a little bit better than the first one. Parts toward the end seemed to draw me in a little bit more. However, I was also tempted not to finish reading it because for the first bits of the book I was still in the, “Meh, this isn’t bad but not super awesome,” frame of mind. So if you liked the first one, definitely read this one, and just like I said with the first story, there’s definitely a market for this book and readers who will absolutely love it.

It still has some good action and mystery and a killer twist at the end that made me rethink everything about the first book. I did not see that coming! This book doesn’t really feel like the end though. It almost seems like there should be one more book. Maybe we’ll have another one in the future, or maybe it’s one of those cases where the author leaves the audience to fill in the blank. Things are wrapped up well enough so you won’t be like, “What the heck?! That’s the end!” It just seems setup for another book.

I think there was only really one, maybe two things that bugged me, and it’s just a personal preference. I’m sure other readers eat this stuff up! Number one: “He was good-looking in such an intense way, it almost scared me” (page 39). Yeah, apparently that’s just not my style of writing. I think I may have bought it in high school, but now I read it and think, “That’s not even real! Who thinks like that?!” Maybe I just don’t understand passion and romance in the world of books. Or perhaps I’m a sucker for a different sort of romance. Later on, there was a moment with the same fellow where he takes her hand and puts it on his abs for her to feel (page 86), and again I was just kind of like, “Okay?”

Like I said, I’m pretty sure that’s just reader preference. If you read the post about Starters, you’ll now know that I don’t really care for make out scenes in books or what I deem to be crazy, unrealistic romantic thoughts. I just can’t relate to that! I’ve never looked at a guy and thought he was so intensely handsome that it scared me. Nope.

Reader Guidance:

I’ll try to do this spoiler free, but here’s your spoiler warning just in case.

  • There are two instances where chips in people’s brains blow up. In one case, a man’s arm is severely injured (the pain on his face is described and the fact that his arm is completely black).
  • There are a few people who get shot. Some die, some don’t.
  • A guy is crushed and killed by a garage door.
  • There are some cases of slapping or punching people.
  • A character stabs herself in the arm with a letter opener.
  • In one test to control a character with a chip, the testers have the character shoot targets of harmless people, including a friend. Then the actual people are brought in and the test is repeated on them with blanks, not real bullets.
  • A character has a condition where every time he touches someone he has extreme pain.
  • One character remembers how his renter wanted to use his artistic abilities to draw girls naked.
  • When one character is hacked, she is forced to do a strip tease. She removes her shirt and camisole so she is in her bra, but they don’t go any farther than that.
  • This one is kind of a spoiler: Blake asks what he and Callie did while someone else was taking control of his body in the last book. He asks if they did anything more. Callie tells him that they just kissed giving the impression that what he was trying to ask was if they’d had sex.

Similar Books:

The Host by Stephanie Meyer

Uglies by Scott Westerfield

Next Book:

First off, let me say that it may be a little bit before you get another book review on here. I have the next book in mind, so I’ll go ahead and put that here. However, as you saw from my last post, I’m trying to stick in NaNoWriMo mode. Not only that, my husband and I are in the processes of getting things packed up and moved to a new place which should all be said and done in a few weeks. So I might not get a lot of reading done! But the next book with be Rump: The True Story of Rumpelstiltskin by Liesl Shurtlipp.

Friday, November 3, 2017

National Novel Writing Month

Hello, ladies and gents! I'm approximately halfway through Enders. It's too soon to form a full opinion, but as of right now, I'm thinking it's still not going to win me over and land on "Danielle's most favorite and therefore the best books ever list." I still plan on finishing it though. Sometimes the ending of a book can either make it or break it for me. More details on that to come.

I would have gotten more reading done yesterday, but, well, it's that time of year again... Keep reading if you have no idea what I'm talking about. If you do know what I'm talking about, keep reading while nodding your head going, "Ah, yes. It is indeed that time again where all writer hopefuls turn their backs on the world, locking themselves up in a safe place, typing so fast their brains hurt and their fingers bleed, and we only stop for bathroom and food breaks. Thus, all of us closet writers instantly become connected in the mad dash to write 50,000 words."

This is my NaNoWriMo face...
Also you can see the remnants of my online
English classes from this morning!
I'm sure that if you're taking the time to visit and read a blog that's all about books that you'll know
that November is National Novel Writing Month (also known as NaNoWriMo). Basically, the goal is to write a 50,000 word novel by the end of the month, which is about 1,667 words a day. I can just see some people out there shuddering, thinking about how much they struggled just to finish a 500 word assignment for a class!

Trust me, this is no easy feat. I've never actually completed it in the time limit (kudos to those who have). The closest I got was 34,000 words I believe. I usually finish in January...or March...or maybe I still haven't finished some of those yet... Sometimes I just say all that I want to say in less than 50,000 words! Usually, I fall behind and can't catch back up, and I get distracted eating turkey.

I haven't participated in the last few years mostly because I was busy doing other things. My best excuse was in 2013 when I was out of the country doing humanitarian work. I jumped back on the bandwagon in 2014 and then took a hiatus in 2015-2016. I believe my focuses were elsewhere.

I wasn't sure that I was going to participate again this year, thinking that I have a lot of things I'm trying to do right now, which is true. At the same time, I realized that life is always going to be busy, and if I don't want to lose my joy of writing (not to mention the ability) forever then I have to make the time. Will I make it to 50,000 words? Maybe not, but if it helps me to get writing off of the back burner then I say it's worth it.

Now you know that I'm an aspiring author, who has written a couple of novels but hasn't managed to get them from my computer to the rest of the world to read. Someday it will happen!

The great thing about NaNoWriMo is that you can do it independently or you can connect with friends. Sometimes there are even local events you can take part in if you need that extra support. There are forums and tips and all sorts of things. Check out the website!

The other great thing about it is that it helps you to set goals. Even if you can't manage to write that many words a day, just write something! And then, in the end, you have the editing process to look forward too! Yay!!!! (More like nay....)

So, for all my fellow closet writers out there endeavoring to write the next great novel, take heart. I wish you luck. Happy NaNoWriMo!!!!